My second child came into this world in such a beautiful way. All children bring joy and beauty with them when they are born but not all are so lucky as I and my child to be received and surrounded by such strength, love, support and safety. My own mother did not. And in so telling our story I do so with such gratitude and awareness.
My whole experiences felt like a dance, gentle hands rubbing , caressing , patting, supporting, swaying and moving around Me. Moving in when needed like an embrace and out when not like a shadow with the wisdom to know which was needed.
I will never be able to repay these three women, two of which were Jes La Bleu and Michelle Gilley who were our midwives out of pure generosity. We had not planned on having a midwife , we were going to go it alone. But something in me felt uncertain for one reason or another. We had no means to pay for a midwife though. This is when Jes and Michelle enter our lives through the equally generous 3rd person volunteering as our doula. They help us through each step and provided support after with gentleness and understanding. Their sheer amount of experience would be enough to comfort anyone alone but they have an energy that brings something so much deeper to the experience. I felt safe, never judged, and respected in all my choices.
My little One was born safely into this world with all the love it could offer and in a way bringing healing to the generations before us with her.
Thank you Jes and Michelle, you will always have a special place in our family and in our hearts.